A-Lingua service de traduction et interprétation
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Videoconferencing or remote interpreting



I offer a videoconferencing or remote interpreting service for all meetings, interviews and webinars. This extremely practical solution may be combined with a face-to-face meeting.


What are the benefits?


There is no need for interpreters to travel to your event or business address. Videoconferencing or remote interpreting makes it possible for people to meet while benefiting from a simultaneous interpreting service, regardless of the number of participants It is therefore time and cost effective when travel, direct contact, networking and social meeting are unnecessary.


How it works in practice


There are three types of platforms: videoconferencing platforms (Teams, WebEx, Google Meet, etc.), onto which it is possible to graft a platform dedicated to simultaneous interpreting, and the Zoom platform, which combines the two, with certain limits for interpreters. We prioritise this solution for the moment. Skype and WhatsApp also allow the interpreter to translate consecutively (after the speaker).

Comprehensive services

Interpreting services with Tourguide/InfoPort system, consultancy, team building, coordination. In Brussels, Belgium, France, Luxemburg.

Integrated Services

Writing of minutes, synthesis and audio to text transcription after the meeting, on the basis of note-taking or a recording.

Translation and sworn translation into French of minutes, synthesis and  documents of meetings.